Considering how long it takes to make a book and the cost of materials, you might be wondering why so many cheap handmade books exist on the Etsy marketplace. If you’re not familiar, Etsy is an online marketplace for artists to sell their handmade goods.

A search for “handmade book” on Etsy yields prices that’ll make your eyes roll. Full leather wrapped journals and books cover the site for $24-$35 or less. It’s absolutely ridiculous and hurts all of us by giving the impression that bookbinding is 1) easy and 2) cheap. It’s neither. So why does this happen?

After creating books and running an Etsy shop for many years, I’ve come to a few of my own conclusions.

Those “handmade books” may not be handmade at all

As uncovered by the BBC in 2022, many of the inexpensive notebooks and leather covered journals you see on Etsy are imported and marked up for retail. They’re listed as “handmade” even though they’re manufactured in an overseas facility. These inexpensive fakes set a price point real artists can’t compete with and confuses consumers into believing bookbinding must be “easy” and, therefore, cheap.

Over time, I thought these dishonest sellers would get weeded out by bad reviews and Etsy’s policy enforcement team. Unfortunately, negative reviews only incentivize these sellers to close up shop and open a new one. For Etsy, it’s like playing an endless game of whack-a-mole. To be fair, though, I think Etsy makes a lot of money from these accounts. This might explain why it takes so long for Etsy to remove them, if at all…

Book artists frequently undervalue their time

Among the fakes, there are genuine, handmade books on Etsy priced for less than the cost of materials. The “why” may have something to do with how we as artists value our time.

Serious bookbinders understand the importance of incorporating labor cost calculations into their work. Even so, there are serious bookbinders who want to add up labor costs but just don’t understand how to do it. Others simply undervalue their time. Those are the ones I want to focus on.

These book artists usually list their work at the cost of materials or with a slight markup. I’m sure there are some people doing this to compete with the fakes mentioned before, but others truly struggle to see the value in their work. I know plenty of bookbinders who just about faint when I suggest they price their books 5-10x what they’re charging now. They just can’t comprehend it.

On the other hand, some artists feel that money corrupts art. Charging for their time makes them feel cheap or devalues their work by putting a price on it. While I can understand the perspective, I believe this way of thinking only further erodes the perceived quality of handmade goods.

In the end, it’s important to know what you’re worth. Value your time. Get this right and there is no need to compete.

For some, book making is just a hobby

At the end of the day, some people make books for pleasure, not money. Selling books on Etsy is a way for them to keep their homes tidy while making back some of the cost of materials. To them, sales are an added bonus.

It can be hard to compete with talented book makers who may not (at least for right now) plan to turn their craft into a business. Hobbyists and professionals are motivated differently. As a result, the work they produce is also different. While hobbyists also strive to improve, professionals make it their mission in order to improve sales and often have a book quota to meet each month.

Final thoughts

It’s frustrating to see beautifully crafted books sell for pennies on the dollar, but try not to let it bug you. If you’re using Etsy to sell your own handmade books, be sure to leverage the description area and photos to show the quality of your work. Incorporate “how it’s made” images to convey just how much time, energy and thought goes into the creation of one book. If possible, offer companion items to draw customers and increase sales. Side passions like paper making, marbling and even miniature books are all fun ways to compliment our craft. Find what works for you and do it!

Good luck!

More bookbinding goodness

What tools do I need to get started bookbinding?

🌟 Looking for a simple way to start making books? 

Try a Complete Book Materials Kit. Each one has everything you need (+ tutorials & videos) to make a beautiful book without all the fuss.

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